Eye Opening Report –

July 13, 2018 -Is pornography addiction real? Do people get as addicted to Pornhub as they do, say, drugs or alcohol? Yes and no. Too much porn can certainly became issue but whether or not it’s truly addictive depends on who you ask. Dr. Suzanne Rapley, a psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist Diplomate who has been treating self-described porn and sex addicts 35 years, has taken a middle-of-the-road approach throughout her career. She knows that there isn’t much evidence to suggest that porn is a physically addictive substance in the scientific sense. But she’s also aware that her patients describe their issues with porn in the way that most people talk about addiction: craving, excitement, secretive behavior, and shame. So she deals with their personal feelings and helps them achieve help.

Full Story @ Fatherly.com