Movies Make a Difference –

Jan. 16, 2018 – Addiction knows no boundaries and doesn’t discriminate on gender, race, age or wealth. There’s a stigma – most are picturing someone who looks run down, beaten and dirty. A film, called “Reversing the Stigma,” however, shows it can be harder for those suffering through addiction to get help. It can also be hard for them to convince others they do want to change … Laurie Dhue was a successful news anchor with shows on Fox, MSNBC and CNN. While she reported and shared stories, there was one story not many knew. That story was her own. “My future was very bright indeed,” Dhue went on to explain. “But in reality, my life wasn’t much of a life at all.” She tells her story of alcohol, drug addiction and her success in ridding herself of those vices. The film also shares the stories of other New Yorkers who dealt with the stigma of addiction and recovery, and what’s being done now.
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